It wasn't a pickle sell-off or a jam contest. Just a good-old social tasting, a place to sample original recipes, tell canning tales and share tips for preserving the best of the season. Some of the highlights of the contributions from community members included sweet and garlicky pickle chips, hot pickled carrots, dilly beans, apple butter and grape jelly.
According to Emily Cooper, second year intern for Backyard Gardens who staffed the tasting table, "People exchanged lots of stories about moms' and grandmothers' pickles, recipe ideas and techniques, and excitement about new ideas for future canning."

This is only the first of several scheduled tastings later this market season. Mark your calendars for:
Saturday, July 29: Pie Bake Off Taste Off
Thursday, September 17: Tomato Tasting
Saturday September 19: Salsa Tasting
Saturday October 10: Apple Tasting