For the next few weeks, you will find the Thursday Farmers' Market in Enterprise along the back lawn of the Courthouse Square. Groundskeeper Everett Roberts will be doing rehab work to include thatching and reseeding on the lawn between the Fountain of Honor and the gazebo where we have held the Farmers' Market for the past few years. The new grass needs gentle use during this time to develop a sustainable sod and healthy root system.
In this alternate space, we will debut our new hot food booth, "FLAVOR of the County", funded in part by a grant from the City of Enterprise. We are very excited to bring a delicious dinner made from mostly local food to the Farmers' Market shoppers and music lovers enjoying the Courthouse Concerts. First up will be Backyard Gardens preparing a fresh Classic Ceasar Salad and Ceasar Salad Wrap.
We are looking forward to seeing you on Thursday as we celebrate the first day of Summer!